Jennifer Lopez: I used to be thickish but lost 10 pounds by going vegan

Publish date: 2024-05-09

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez covers the newest edition of Us Weekly. I adore JLo’s image and body, but I’m still calling this the “Casper Who?” issue. Why? Two months ago before the latest Casper Smart breakup news broke, Jennifer was giving interviews about how she was newly vegan but missed butter. Two months later, JLo says she’s dropped 10 pounds. She chalks up the weight loss to both the new diet and (maybe) “daily six-hour dance workouts.” Jennifer claims she cut out dairy, meat, and gluten, and she believes that’s the main reason for dropping from size 4 to 2.

I don’t mean to make light of JLo’s weight loss. She’s happy, and that’s a good thing. What I take issue with is Jennifer claiming that veganism transformed her body after admitting that she’s also been dancing for 6 hours every day. 6 hours. If that’s true, she’s probably burning off 3000 calories every day. That’s probably the biggest reason JLo has lost weight instead of her new diet, but she’s pushing veganism anyway:

She used to be “thickish”? “You got to work out, you got to watch what you eat. It’s a job – you’ve got to buckle down. I’ll be honest with you guys, since I had the babies about six years ago, I had that really stubborn 8 to 10 pounds on me. People are used to seeing me be kind of thickish, but when I started eating [vegan], right away I dropped like 8 to 10 pounds. It was a real change, but more than that I felt better and people were like, ‘Your energy’s better’ … everything’s better.”

You got to do this vegan thing: “I feel great mentally and physically! I feel better when I’m in shape and taking care of myself. I did full vegan for almost four, five weeks, then I just started incorporating proteins for myself. The truth is, even if you’re 70-80 percent vegan, it’s so much better having those vegetables, greens, plant-based stuff. It’s going to change your life and health.”

Her kids went vegan too: “When I started doing this, I got the whole household on board. They won’t love everything right away — when you go from regular milk to almond milk or rice mike, it’s a big change — but little by little they get into it … sometimes my son will be like, ‘I want American cheese, I don’t like this vegan cheese.'”

More diet, less fitness: “I’m not an exercise fanatic. I don’t love it, but I do dance a lot for the shows, so that helps.”

[From Us Weekly & Extra]

Vegans are hardcore, and I admire anyone who can stick to the lifestyle’s restrictions. I’ve been vegetarian for 20 years; my diet hasn’t changed too much, but my weight has been high and low. Mostly because I can only lose weight through exercise and don’t have enough self control to diet. Anyone can gain or lose weight on any diet … depending on the total amount of calories consumed (and expended). JLo’s enthusiasm for her new way of eating is infectious, but it’s a turn off when people push their diets onto others. Everyone is so defensive about what they put into their mouths, and I wish we could all agree to eat and let eat.

Here are some photos of JLo doing reshoots on The Boy Next Door and meeting up with Leah Remini on a break. These pictures were taken a block away from the CO$ Celebrity Centre. (Run ladies, run!) Also in the mix are some pictures of JLo visiting BET’s 106 & Park show. Those hoop earrings remind me of late 1980s Jodi Watley.

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez

Photos courtesy of Us Weekly & WENN
