Liv Tyler takes two-hour baths while watching movies: Im a major bath person

Publish date: 2024-05-11

The 21st Annual Critics' Choice Awards
Bazaar has a new “day in the life” feature with Liv Tyler. Tyler is currently pregnant with her third child. She made the announcement in January so I assume she’s due sometime this summer. I love Liv but the hourly play-by-play she gave Bazaar of her average day is a bit exhaustive. She divides her time between New York, where she lives when she’s filming, and London, where her fiancee, David Gardner, is currently living. She told Bazaar that she spends about a week in London every month and is moving there in September. The nice thing about Liv is that she gushes about the people who work for her, including her assistant, trainer and chef, and mentions them all by name. She also owns up to some seriously indulgent practices including two hour baths every night and hiring a manicurist to come over after her kids are asleep. She lives a charmed life.

On being pregnant
I’m pregnant now, I’m allowed to eat what I want, which is really fun. It’s crazy—I’ve been pregnant for two years straight. I feel more balanced when I’m pregnant, strangely, and less pressured. It’s like a nine-month vacation when I can prioritize being home.

Her fitness routine
In New York I work out with my trainer, David Kirsch, either in the morning or later on. Since I’m pregnant again, we do light weights and the medicine ball, but I take it easy.

Her assistant helps her with her work with fashion brand Belstaff
She was Alexander McQueen’s assistant until he passed away, so she’s great at helping me understand the fashion side of things.

Her afternoons
In New York, I have this incredible cook and superwoman, Claudia, so I’ll eat at home and run errands while Sailor naps

She loves to take photos
I take hundreds of photos every day and send David tons of videos of Sailor doing something crazy, like right now he’s whirling a pot around. I also love to FaceTime with my grandmother. She is so sweet with her correspondence. She calls me “Baby Girl,” which became “BG,” and signs her texts “With devotion.”

She takes two hour baths at night and watches movies while she’s in the tub
I’m a major bath person. It’s a full-on couple-hour process every night, while the boys watch football or after they go to sleep. I add salts and Kneipp oil to the water, put a face mask on, and exfoliate my skin with gloves. I wash my hair with Pantene every other day unless I have gorgeous hair left over from an event… I can read a script in one bath, and sometimes I’ll pull up a stool and watch a movie on my computer while I soak.

She drinks wine with her manicurist at night
My favorite thing is to get my nails done or get a facial. Nobody can find you for an hour. This amazing woman Gina comes to the house and does my nails while the kids are asleep, and we sit on the couch and drink wine.

[From Bazaar]

Liv’s life sounds amazing and I enjoyed how grateful she is for all the people who help her out. I can’t believe she takes two hour baths every night that’s incredible. Also, I just learned a life hack for watching movies in the tub – get a stool and put your computer next to the bath. I’ve never thought of that, although I can only bathe for about 20 minutes before guilt sets in and I start thinking of all the things I have to do. Liv also says that she does transcendental meditation for about 20 minutes every night. She enjoys her down time that’s for sure.

Elle Style Awards Arrivals, Tate Britain, London, England

The 21st Annual Critics' Choice Awards

Elle Style Awards 2016

Photos credit: FameFlynet and WENN
