Natalie Portmans Black Swan ballet double wont back down any time soon

Publish date: 2024-05-04


I don’t know why these new photos of Natalie Portman and Benjamin Mille-whatever are making so happy. Usually in candids of Natalie and Ben, she’s the one who is extremely covered up and he’s the one who is like “Pose. Turn. Pose. Blue Steel. Clench.” In these pics, he looks like the Unabomber and she’s all “Oh, it’s just Perfect Me, out with my Perfect Baby-Daddy!”

Speaking of Perfect Natalie and how she does Everything Perfectly, Forever, there’s a new chapter in the ongoing saga of “Who the hell did the dancing in Black Swan?” I know, you thought it was over, right? I’m not even going to recap everything, just know that Natalie’s dance double Sarah Lane has been claiming for a month now that she did all of the big dance sequences in Black Swan, and everybody else from the film has been like “No, Natalie is Perfect!!” The last chapter we had was Natalie Portman finally saying something about the controversy – and referring to it as “nastiness”. Because Sarah Lane = NASTY to Perfect Natalie. Well, Sarah Lane sat down for an interview with ABC News… and she makes some good points:

Some quotes from the article, here at ABC News:

“[A producer] asked if I would please not do any more interviews until after the Oscars because it was bad for Natalie’s image,” Lane said. “They were trying to create this image, this facade, really, that Natalie had done something extraordinary. Something that is pretty much impossible … to become a professional ballerina in a year and half. Even with as hard as she worked, it takes so much more. It takes twenty-two years, it takes thirty years to become a ballerina.”

Jess Cagle, the managing editor for Entertainment Weekly, agreed, saying, “they diminished what Sarah did by telling Sarah to shut up and not talk and don’t let anyone know.”

Portman’s face was superimposed onto Lane’s body through special effects called “face replacement” in pivotal dance scenes to make it appear as if it were Portman executing technically sophisticated moves.

“Full body shots with actual dancing is me. That’s why they hired me,” Lane said.

In a written statement, “Black Swan” director Darren Aronofsky said, “Here is the reality. I had my editor count shots. There are 139 dance shots in the film — 111 are Natalie Portman untouched. Twenty-eight are her dance double Sarah Lane. If you do the math, that’s 80 percent Natalie Portman.”

“It’s possible if you’re counting the close-ups of her face as actual dancing shots. I don’t call close-ups of her face actual dancing,” Lane said.

“Black Swan” editor Andy Weisblum agreed to take a closer look for “20/20.” “There are about 35 shots that are full body shots in the movie. Of those 35 shots, 12 are Natalie, and then the rest are Sarah,” Weisblum said. “But over the overall film, Natalie did a lot more than that. I mean, she did most of the other shots. It was sometimes hard for me to tell the difference as the editor, it was so close.”

Lane said her feelings about being credited changed late last year after Portman received an Oscar nomination for best actress and the movie’s backers began an aggressive campaign on the actress’s behalf.

“There’s so much emotionally that goes into motivating yourself and being able to physically push yourself to reach a certain level, that you have to reach to be a professional ballerina with one of the biggest ballet companies in the world and to sustain that standard over a whole career,” Lane said. “It really hurts for someone to say that, they got a personal trainer and they became what I spent blood, sweat and tears doing every day, all my life, in just a year and a half.”

“A lot of the campaign was focused on the physical preparation, the transformation,” Cagle said. “The Academy loves it when an actor does something besides act in a movie. There was in a lot of the marketing materials for “Black Swan,” certainly the implication that Natalie became a great world class ballet dancer.”

Lane acknowledged that while Portman trained hard for the film, her dancing technique was nowhere near as good as hers.

“I’ve been doing this for 22 years, and to say that someone trained for a year and a half and did what I did is degrading not only to me but to the entire ballet world,” Lane said.

Wendy Perron, editor-in-chief of Dance Magazine, a choreographer and a dancer, said she knew of Lane’s role in “Black Swan” and wondered why a soloist ballerina whose technical skills were vital to the complicated dance sequences was being cast out of the limelight.

“She’s an artist,” Perron said. “It’s not just that it was difficult. It’s that she brought an artistry to it, and Natalie Portman is a dramatic artist, a film artist. But Sarah Lane is a dance artist, and she helped make the movie what it was. … It bothered me. I think she should get credit for it.”

Perron wrote her opinion in a blog that was soon picked up in the national media, and “Black Swan” filmmakers moved swiftly to defend their star.

Portman has continued to decline to comment on the controversy, and told E! News last week, “I had a chance to make something beautiful with this film, and I don’t want to give in to the gossip.”

For Lane, the silver lining in this controversy may just be that ballet is taking center stage in a national discussion. An unanticipated opportunity to share the commitment and dedication of all ballet dancers.

“I have so much respect for this art form and the people who are able to do it so beautifully and I want to stand up for that,” she said. “I want people to know how hard we work as professional dancers. What is not necessarily, really portrayed in the movie, is the beauty that ballet can create. How it can reach across oceans, and how it can bond countries who are completely at war.”

[From ABC News]

I was over this controversy weeks ago, but I’m giving Sarah Lane credit for not shutting her mouth and going away just because everyone is falling all over themselves to defend Perfect Natalie. I think Lane had a point back then and she still has a point. And I personally don’t think the “Natalie won her Oscar for her acting, not the dancing” argument holds water. Natalie won her Oscar for the entirety of the performance on film, and there was a concerted effort to make it sound like Portman did more of her dancing than she actually did. And yes, I’m talking about the actual dancing, not just the little constipated dance faces Natalie made while flapping her arms in close-up.




Photos courtesy of Fame.
