Where was Jewl Rayford Found? Missing girl in San Francisco located after disappearance

Publish date: 2024-06-03

On Thursday, April 27, missing 12-year-old San Francisco Jewl Rayford was found one day after she was accounted for missing. Specialists expressed that Rayford was found protected and safe on Jewel Levels Lane. No treachery is thought in her vanishing.

Jewl Rayford had been most recently seen at roughly 2:30 pm at a center school on 30 Road. During the underlying declaration about her vanishing, specialists had depicted her as a 4’7 female with dark hair, earthy colored eyes, and dental supports.

Authorities at first noticed that Jewl Rayford might be in danger, as they had motivation to accept that the conditions under which she vanished were dubious. After Rayford was found, San Francisco police posted on Twitter:

They have not uncovered the occasions that prompted Jewl Rayford’s vanishing. Be that as it may, as no injustice is thought, capturing or snatching are reasonable precluded as causes.

As announced by the California Branch of Equity, the State sees around 60,000 missing kids cases each year. Of the 60,000, roughly 57,000 are wanderers, making up by far most.

About 1100 of these youngsters vanish because of different conditions, for example, deft kidnappings or exploitation by illegal exploitation gatherings. Among the kids who are stole, around 1518 are taken by relatives. These kidnappings are commonly connected with separate from cases or authority debates.

According to Youngster Find of America, upwards of 2300 kids disappear the country over every day. Youngster Wellbeing Los Angeles said that this is identical to one kid disappearing at regular intervals. Kid Find of America noticed that numerous wanderers might leave for legitimate reasons.

Of the kids who venture out from home without anyone else, a larger part of them are between 15-17, while no less than 21% of the general number is involved maltreatment casualties trying to get away from their conditions. 42% of the general number leave because of other blood related issues.

Jewl Rayford, a Presidio Middle School 6th grader last seen at school around 2:30pm today, Wednesday, April 26th. Please see below for her photo. If you have seen Jewl or have any information please call the SFPD Tipline – 415-575-4444. pic.twitter.com/eJ0hacfhwe

— PPS-San Francisco (@ppssf) April 27, 2023

In 1996, American specialists laid out the Golden Ready framework, which is utilized to spread data about missing cases through telecasters and different police headquarters. It additionally gives photographs and contact data, making ready for regular people to give unknown tips to specialists.

As per the association Missing Children, there is a 24-hour hotline that acknowledges tips about missing youngsters. The complementary hotline, 1-800-THE-LOST, has acknowledged more than 5 million brings over the most recent 37 years. The association additionally flows photographs among different media channels. The drive is a piece of the Public Community for Missing and Took advantage of Kids, a public asset that assists with the revelation of missing individuals, everything being equal. It likewise safeguards kids who have become casualties of misuse.
