Why was Shawn Michaels suspended by WWE in 1993?

Publish date: 2024-05-05

'The Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels was one of WWE's rising stars during the early '90s. Eventually, the WWE Hall of Famer went on to become one of the greatest in-ring performers that we've ever seen.

So why was Shawn Michaels suspended by WWE in 1993?

He was suspended by WWE in 1993 for testing positive for steroids. Michaels was Intercontinental Champion at the time and was immediately stripped of the title. His suspension came at a similar time when the company was rocked by a steroid scandal that ended up going to court.

Despite being suspended by WWE, Michaels has never confirmed that he failed a drug test. In later years, Michaels was found to have had a substance abuse problem that often derailed his personal and professional life.

Bret Hart, a former friend and foe of the Heartbreak Kid discussed Shawn's substance abuse problems with Fightful:

"Here’s a lot of guys that have the ability to get off and it’s a credit to Shawn Michaels, really, that he survived, that he’s alive today. He was one of the guys, and he’d probably be the first one to tell you, I’m sure he has, that he had a really bad problem. There’s a few wrestlers from those days that had serious drug problems that overcame them and are alive today; that and are living prosperous and happy lives. It just shows you that if nothing is impossible," Bret Hart said.

Thankfully, Shawn managed to get himself clean. He also became a born-again Christian and turned his lifestyle and self-destructive behavior around. Today, Michaels has cemented his legacy as one of the greatest performers of all time.

Earlier this year, Shawn Michaels spoke with Inside The Ropes and described how he'd deal with a talent who was similar to him at a younger age:

"I don't know. I don't think I'd deal with them, and I'd probably suggest that we let him go, he's going to be nothing but trouble, no matter how talented he is. Either that or get him help. When you see that kind of ability and they're young, and they are just angry at everything, and obviously have a problem — as opposed to getting rid of them, the first thing you probably should be doing is helping them," Shawn Michaels said. (h/t Comic Book)

What was Shawn Michaels last Intercontinental Championship defense in 1993?

Shawn Michael's last defense of the Intercontinental Championship before his suspension was at SummerSlam 1993. He defended the title against Mr. Perfect and retained the championship via a count-out.

HBK's return to WWE television following his exile was in a winning effort against Dan Dubiel on WWE Superstars in November later that year.

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